URMCA Concrete Paving Excellence Awards
The URMCA Concrete Paving Excellence Awards Program recognizes quality concrete pavements constructed in Utah.
Nominations will be accepted and judged by members of the URMCA Paving Committee and the Board of Directors.
Nominations are Due January 28, 2022 for work constructed in 2021.
Below is a list of categories that will be considered for nominations:
Divided Highways (Urban)
Divided Highways (Rural)
State Roads
County Roads
Municipal Streets and Intersections – Small (<30,000 SY), or
- Large (>30,000 SY)
Arterials and Collectors
Commercial and Military Airports
General Aviation Airports
Concrete Pavement Restoration
Concrete Overlays
Industrial Paving
Parking Lots
Award winners will be announced and recognized at the ACI/URMCA Concrete Conference on March 9, 2022. To register for the conference, click the “Read More” link below.
For more information contact:
Brad Stevenson
Click here for the downloadable Nomination Form:
URMCA Concrete Paving Award Nomination Form 2021